FA, Patrick Kariuki – Managing Director
Patrick is the Managing Director and he is responsible for product design, marketing, client relationship, portfolio management, strategy execution in co-ordination with the board of directors and overall corporate affairs Patrick Kariuki joined GenAfrica in 1996 as the head Finance, Operations, Administration and New Product unit. He has over 20 years’ experience in Finance, Accounting, Administration, Compliance, and Investment.His key responsibility is to ensure a Fund is managed in accordance with the mandate given, the Kenyan Retirement Benefits Authority’s rules and regulations and in linewith the GenAfrica Groups compliance requirements.Previously he was the Chief Operating Officer of the GenAfrica Asset Managers Limited. He is a fully qualified Accountant (CPA) and Banker (ACIB) and holds a Master’s degree from the Edinburg Business School. Patrick is currently the Chairman of the Fund Managers Association (FMA).